Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Wednesday Confession: I have stopped cooking

I started grad school right around the same time that Cohabitant started the WORST shift schedule EVER. Fortunately, he starts a new shift in eight days. We are counting down. 

With night class twice a week, and night work twice a week, and Cohabitant working a horrible shift, I have almost stopped cooking entirely. 

Thank goodness for Trader Joe's or we would starve. Well, we wouldn't. We love food way too much to starve. We would probably exist on a diet solely consisting of bread, cheese, peanut butter, and candy (+5 adult points). 

Here's an abridged list of our favorite Trader Joe's products, in case you have also stopped cooking. 

From the refrigerated section: basil and white bean hummus, Mediterranean hummus, spicy hummus, triple cream brie

From the shelves: naan, boxed soups (butternut squash...mmm), pita bite crackers, nuts

From the frozen section (this is where TJ's excels): multigrain blend with vegetables (pro-tip: heat up with any of the frozen products with sauce), polenta provencale, creamy polenta with spinach and carrots, gorgonzola gnocchi, beef and green chile/cheese tamales, falafel (pro-tip: refrigerate the day before use and add to salads--I use hummus with olive oil and balsamic to dress), spinach/kale/feta pie, mac'n'cheese bites (for when you have company...or depression), Gone Bananas!

I love me some TJ's and I'm so excited the store made it to Colorado around the same time I made my return. Now the state really truly is almost perfect. Now, those temperatures yesterday? Those I could do without.

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